Report of the AEO’s XIII International Research-to-Practice Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan

On 21 and 22 October, Arnold Brouwer contributed on behalf of RCEC to the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO’s XIII International Research-to-Practice Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The first conference day, 21 October, started with the ceremonial awarding of the RCEC certificate for the Student Selection System of the Center for Pedagogical Measurements (CPM) of the Autonomous Educational Organisation ‘Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools’ (AEO-NIS). Afterwards, Arnold conducted the interactive workshop titled: ‘Quantitative Analysis of Exam Data’. Around 80 NIS teachers were introduced to classical test theory and test and item analysis. The teachers practised assessing the quality of dichotomous and polytomous scored exam items. For this, they worked with a sample exam that was analysed in the online psychometric software developed by RCEC. Teachers were then given insight into how to use the analysis results to formulate quality improvement suggestions for fellow content experts.

See an impression of the workshop on Instagram here:

On the second conference day, Arnold delivered one of the key speaches, entitled: ‘Competency-based Education and Teacher’s Learning Agility Profile’. It explained how the modern education field is increasingly moving from knowledge-based to competency-based education. From there, the concept of Learning Agility was introduced. This concept, which has its origins in organisational psychology, is gradually finding its way into the education field as well. Using examples, it was made clear that every teacher has his or her own unique Learning Agility profile. And that gaining insight into this personal profile helps to better match the personal profile that every student also has. Combining insights from organisational psychology, talent management and modern education in this way creates a learning environment in which each student can develop 21st-century skills in his or her own unique way.

Watch the impression of the key-speech on Instagram here: