Training Test and Item Analysis for the Theory Division of CBR
The Product Management department of the Theory division of the Centraal Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen (Central Bureau for Driving Licences) develops the theory exams for, among other things, the categories of car, motorcycle and moped. For a reliable exam, the exam questions must meet a series of criteria. For example, they must not be too difficult to formulate, be substantively correct, correspond to practical situations and comply with national and European regulations, laws and guidelines.
In order to assess the quality of the exams, Product Management Theory analyses the data of exams and exam questions. It is important to know how these analyses work, to be able to read the results and to be able to interpret them. That is why the employees of ‘Product Management Theory’ followed the two-day training Test and Item Analysis in CBR’s testing practice. The course was given by Arnold Brouwer.
Responses to the training
“The training has been developed for colleagues who develop items (exam questions) and are going to create and determine exam variants. Because of the practical tools of this course and the expertise of our colleagues, this will certainly work out!” – Kim Blaauwendraat, senior product manager Theory
“The course was very instructive. First, the theory about the test construction process, data collection and test and item analysis was explained. We had two days within the course to practice these theories. On the second day of the course we put everything into practice. We conducted analyses using the program TiaPlus. Key learnings from the analysis was discussed in detail – at first it just seems like a sheet full of figures. During this tough training there was always time for questions and pleasant conversation. This was a training experience that I can immediately apply and thus allow myself to grow further in my job.” – Marloes van Zadelhoff, assistant product manager
“RCEC likes to work with CBR. We both uphold the quality of exams and we know where to find each other. So I really enjoyed walking through the theory and practice of the test and item analysis together with our product management colleagues. The course content was tailored to CBR’s practices in order to make the psychometric analyses as practical and useful as possible. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the group, these were two valuable and interactive course days.” – Arnold Brouwer